54 fatalities in Ballia within 72 hours due to ‘severe heat’

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Ballia, June 18: In the previous three days, 54 people have died and nearly 400 have been treated in Uttar Pradesh’s Ballia District Hospital due to severe heat.

Doctors believe that, while there are many possible causes for the fatalities, extreme heat might be one of them.

According to them, hospitalisations are increasing due to the extreme heat. A strong heatwave has swept UP, with temperatures reaching far above 40 degrees in most regions. The rapid spike in fatalities and people admitted to hospitals with fever, breathing difficulties, and other ailments has overloaded the hospital, which has placed its personnel on high alert.

According to SK Yadav, in-charge Medical Superintendent, District Hospital Ballia, 23 patients died on June 15, 20 the next day, and 11 yesterday.

Dr BP Tiwari, Additional Health Director, Azamgarh Circle, has stated that a team from Lucknow is coming to explore whether there is a sickness that is not being diagnosed. Patients with respiratory illnesses, diabetes, and high blood pressure are more vulnerable when the weather is excessively hot or cold.

Dr Tiwari hypothesised that the slight rise in temperature may have contributed to their deaths.

The district hospital is so crowded that patients cannot acquire stretchers, and several attendants are carrying their patients to the emergency department on their shoulders.

However, the Additional Health Director has stated that it becomes problematic when 10 people arrive at the same moment, although they do have stretchers.

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