Tips for Creating the Perfect Work-from-Home Resume That Gets You Hired + Examples

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If you cannot present the examples of work, consider showing it off in the form of case studies in a blog. Cover letters add color that can be missing from a resume and allow you to dive deeper into your background, skills, and expertise. It can also help the hiring manager understand why you’re applying for the specific job at their company, and most importantly why they should interview you over other candidates. Finding a remote job and getting hired typically means beating out a large pool of candidates, particularly if a remote position is open to job seekers worldwide. If you want to save time, we recommend using dedicated remote job boards like Himalayas that only list legitimate remote jobs. It’ll make your search simpler and ensure that you’re applying to jobs that support remote work.

In other situations, companies may not mention remote work at all but are still open to it if you’re an excellent candidate. Updating the skills section is the obvious place, but don’t forget to sprinkle it throughout your work experience section too. In July, software engineer Julian Joseph became the latest victim of the tech industry’s sweeping job cuts. Facing his second layoff in two years, he dreaded spending another couple months hunched over his laptop filling out repetitive job applications and blasting them into the void. “The number of applicants we’re seeing for each remote job that’s posted lately has skyrocketed,” FlexJobs career coach Toni Frana tells CNBC Make It. “If you don’t tailor your application accordingly, you’re not going to stand out.”

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A neat, well-designed resume will keep the hiring manager reading the document whereas a cluttered one is likely to be put aside. Use distinctive section headers, add colors sparingly, and consider using graphics or charts if you want to show off some accomplishments. how to list remote work on resume These specifics can be hard to quantify retrospectively which is why it’s important to collect these figures over time and add them to your master resume as you achieve them. Use formatting to highlight key points and keep your most important information at the top.

if a job was remote what do you put on resume

By placing your remote work experience here, the recruiter will see right off the bat that you have previous experience with working independently from a home office. Here are some tips on how to weave your remote work experience into your resume. So, how do you properly show your remote work experience on a resume?

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They’re easy to identify and important to sprinkle throughout your resume. Again, it’s subtle, but it could be the edge you need to land that remote job. Taking some time to dig deep and think about what you do and how you do it can reveal that you have all the skills you need to be a fantastic remote employee. How do you manage communications with clients and coworkers when there’s a three-hour time difference? Do you have to coordinate live meetings across multiple time zones? How do you collaborate on projects and manage a crisis when everyone is scattered around the globe?

This is optional — if you’re only applying for remote positions, hiring managers will assume you’re open to working from home even if you don’t say so in your resume. Even as we recover from the pandemic, remote jobs are increasing in number, with 25% of jobs in North America expected to be remote by the end of 2022. While there are more remote opportunities, competition remains high as candidates from all around the world apply. To stand out to employers, ensure your resume highlights your remote working skills in addition to your role-relevant skills.

Showcase Remote Work-Oriented Skills

Then make sure you highlight them on your resume when you apply for your next job. The skills section of your resume is a great place to show off your remote-relevant skills. For example, if you want to highlight your collaboration skills, talk about your experience with shared documents or online project management tools. Mention your tech skills and experience with remote-specific tools like Google Drive, Zoom, Trello, Dropbox, or SharePoint.

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