Lockdown 5.O Day 8: Covid-19 hotspots in Uttar Pradesh increased due to the rising of new cases

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Lucknow, June 08: The Yogi government is paying special vigilance over hotspot areas regarding to prevent the spread of coronavirus across the state.

Additional Chief Secretary, Home Awanish Kumar Awasthi said on Monday that Chief Secretary Rajendra Kumar Tiwari has instructed that the number of beds should be increased in places where infected patients are increasing, as per the need. Along with this, the team has also been asked to increase the need for monitoring the hotspot areas.

He informed that in view of new cases of coronavirus, the number of hotspot areas in the state has now increased to 1,932.

โ€œTheir number was 1,905 on Sunday. At present, 55, 93,656 people of 9, 82,474 houses have been identified fewer than 768 of total hotspot,โ€ Awasthi informed.

โ€œA total of 128 community kitchens operate in hotspot areas. At the same time, milk has been distributed through 4091 door step delivery milk booths etc. in the hotspots in the state,โ€ ACS Home told.

63,268 FIRs filed under Section 188

He further apprised that 1, 74,061 people have been booked under Section 188 by registering 63,268 First Information Reports (FIRs). At the same time, 317 accused have been arrested, registering 689 FIRs against 902 people who committed black marketing and hoarding.

โ€œSo far 52,661 vehicles have been seized out of 59, 53,717 in intensive checking in the state. A fine of Rs 26,73,64,686 was recovered during the checking operation. In addition, permits for a total of 2, 89,983 vehicles have been issued for essential services,โ€ told officer.

Action on 1,399 cases of fake news so far, 16 people arrested

He said that similar action has been taken under fake news by taking cognizance of 1,399 cases so far.

However, today a total of 10 cases, of which 07 of Twitter, 03 of Facebook have been taken into consideration and forwarded to Cyber โ€‹โ€‹Cell for necessary action.

He told that till today, 79 of Twitter, 77 of Facebook, 47 of Tik Tok and 01 account of WhatsApp have been blocked for a total of 204 accounts. A total of 50 FIRs have been registered so far. 16 people were arrested in different districts.

88,691 industrial units paid salaries

Additional Chief Secretary, Home informed that out of 96,860 industrial units in the state, 88,691 units have been disbursed the salary of 1830.45 crores. A total of Rs 335.53 crore has been paid to a total of 33.55 lakh people on a basis of Rs 1,000-1,000 for 17.99 lakh laborers connected with construction works, 8.85 lakh laborers in urban areas and 6.71 lakh destitute people in rural areas.

5,309 vehicles of fruits, vegetables installed in door to door delivery

He informed that a total of 5,309 vehicles for fruits, vegetables etc. have been installed under door step delivery. The number of provision stores with door step delivery is 4,841. The number of people who deliver through the provision store is 5,801.

He informed that 5,896 purchasing centres are being procured by Food and Logistics Department and Mandi Council at the declared minimum support price of wheat.

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