PMO takes cognizance of complaints about negligence in treatment of Covid patients in BHU

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Varanasi, 25 August: Complaints of negligence and misconduct in the treatment of patients in Covid Hospital, built in the Super Specialty Center of Sir Sunderlal Hospital of Banaras Hindu University (BHU) have reached to the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) and Chief Minister’s Office (CMO).

However, the PMO and CMO have sought a report on the entire matter from the Varanasi district administration. The District Magistrate (DM) in this case handed over the investigation to ACM I on Tuesday.

As soon as the matter reached the PMO, DM Kaushal Raj Sharma has written a letter to BHU Vice Chancellor Prof Rakesh Bhatnagar in the late evening of Monday seeking to take action on the negligent by setting up an inquiry committee in the case of jumping of corona patient on August 23 and finding the dead body of a missing youth from Covid ward.

According to the administrative officials, the report of the inquiry committee in the case of body missing after the death of the Covid patient last week and the action taken on the guilty employees has also been sought in it.

Late on Monday, BHU Hospital Medical Superintendent Dr SK Mathur put the side of the hospital through a video.

On the other hand, in the BHU Hospital premises, a magisterial inquiry will be done in the case of the youth found dead late on Monday evening.

The District Magistrate ordered this and handed over the investigation of the case to ACM I on Tuesday.

CO Bhelupur has been put under investigation for his help. The report will be submitted to the District Magistrate within 15 days after the investigation of the entire matter from every angle.

According to the DM, there was a lot of uproar in the BHU after the youth’s body was found late Monday evening, however, the police officers somehow calmed them down.

โ€œThey demanded that the matter to be investigated by a magistrate. Therefore, the case is being probed by a magistrate as well as a police officer. ACM First and CO Bhelupur have been handed over the investigation of the case. Both officers will submit their report in 15 days,โ€ DM told.  

DM Varanasi further told, the team of both the officers will conduct a thorough study of every evidence along with CCTV footage. Anyone who has been negligent to the level or who has been negligent will be marked.

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