Centre launches SHe-Box portal to make workplaces safe for women

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New Delhi, August 29: The Ministry of Women and Child Development has launched the new Sexual Harassment electronic-Box (SHe-Box) portal, a centralized platform for registering and monitoring complaints of sexual harassment of women at the workplace.

Speaking at the launch of the portal, Women and Child Development Minister Annapurna Devi said, “This initiative is a significant step towards providing a more efficient and secure platform for resolving workplace-related sexual harassment complaints. It furthers the Government’s commitment to create a safer and more inclusive working environment for women across India.

She expressed confidence that the portal will ensure that complaints can be lodged securely without making personal information public.

The new website of the Ministry was also inaugurated during the event. Minister of State for Women and Child Development Savitri Thakur, Secretary, Ministry of Women and Child Development and other senior officials were present on the occasion.

One of the key objectives of this initiative to increase women’s participation in the workforce is to ensure that workplaces are safe and secure, enabling women to grow and succeed. The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 seeks to protect women from sexual harassment at the workplace and to address their complaints. In line with this commitment, the new She-Box portal is an important step towards resolving and managing complaints of sexual harassment at the workplace.

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