Delhi-NCR breathe clean air as AQI drops to 85

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New Delhi, March 15: The air in the capital Delhi has become clean. On Saturday, Delhi’s average air quality index (AQI) was recorded at 85. This is the lowest in the last three years for the period from January 01 to March 15. Along with this, Saturday is also the first day of the current year in which the AQI has been ‘satisfactory’ (51-100).

The AQI in Delhi remained ‘satisfactory’ in the month of March, which has happened for the first time in five years since 2020. After reviewing the situation on Saturday, the subcommittee of the Commission for Air Quality Management (CAQM) has lifted the restrictions of Phase-I of the existing schedule of the Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP) in the entire NCR with immediate effect.

On Saturday, CAQM said that in view of the current weather forecast and air conditions, the subcommittee has decided to remove the restrictions of GRAP. Under this, construction and demolition activities can now start in the capital. Along with this, manual sweeping can be done along with mechanical sweeping on the roads. The restrictions of GRAP one include increasing the use of anti-smog guns in the city and strictly implementing dust control measures in road construction activities,

Keeping a strict vigil on open burning of biomass and municipal solid waste,

Deploying traffic police at places with heavy traffic,

Strictly monitoring PUC standards for vehicles,

Using mobile apps and social media for public awareness.

It is worth noting that Graded Response Action Plan i.e. GRAP restrictions are implemented to reduce air pollution after it increases. The first phase of GRAP restrictions are implemented when the city’s AQI ranges from 201 to 300. The second stage is imposed when the AQI is 301 to 400. Then the third stage is when the AQI is 401 to 450. If the AQI exceeds 450, then Grap-4 is implemented. There are many types of restrictions under this.

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