Fixed Vs Variable Expenses: Whats The Difference?

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With a proper emergency fund, you will not need your credit card to keep you afloat when something goes wrong. In general, traditional budgeting starts with tracking expenses, eliminating debt, and once the budget is balanced, building an emergency fund. But to speed up the process, you could start by building a partial emergency fund.

  • The rest of the income can be spent on dining out, movies, shopping, and other entertainments.
  • An approach that larger companies take to dealing with such variables is to have a static budget for the overall organization, and a flexible budget for each individual department.
  • People often cut too deep and end up making a budget that they can’t keep because it feels like they are giving up everything.
  • A fixed expense just means an expense in your budget that you can expect to stay the same, or close to it, over time.

The former is does not help to make a comparison if the actual and budgeted outputs differ, but the latter proves to helpful to judge the performance by comparing actual output with the budgeted targets. Cost Ascertainment is also not possible in case of fixed budget if the actual and budgeted levels of activity vary and the same can be easily determined in the case of a flexible budget. Fixed Budget helps the management to set the revenues and expenses for the period, but it lacks accuracy because it is not always possible to correctly determine future needs and requirements. Further, it operates only on a single activity level under only one condition. While framing the fixed budget, it is assumed that the existing conditions are not going to be changed shortly, which proves untrue.


The budgeting exercise should able to increase the profit, reduce inappropriate expenses and it also helps to expand the markets (Thomsett, 1988, p.5). To achieve the budgeting aim, the management needs to build a budgeting system (Viscione , J. 1984). Another way to mitigate the effects of a fixed budget is to shorten the period covered by it. For example, the budget may only encompass a three-month period, after which management formulates another budget that lasts for an additional three months. Thus, even though the amounts in the budget are fixed, they apply to such a short period of time that actual results will not have much time in which to diverge from expectations.

  • It is a competency that must be acquired for anyone who is working in finance and accounting and is also a topic which is guaranteed to come up on your Performance Management (PM) exam.
  • At the start of the fiscal year, a substantial percentage of fixed overhead are predetermined compare to variable.
  • The executives may provide some input, but they more or less take the recommendations as given by department managers and other employees (within reason, of course).

At the start of the fiscal year, a substantial percentage of fixed overhead are predetermined compare to variable. When the United Consultancy budget the fixed overhead cost, they should select the appropriate level of activity that will benefit the United Consultancy over long terms. By doing so, the most recent projections are incorporated into the budget, while also maintaining a full-year budget at all times. The factors that impact personal budgets include the average cost of living in a city, an individual’s income level, lifestyle, and personal preferences. That includes outlining your income, account balances and debts, and tracking expenses. Then, identify your priorities and find the right budget system for your needs.

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Now that you have a buffer between you and high-interest debt, it is time to start the process of downsizing. The more space you can create between your expenses and your income, the more income you will have to pay down debt and invest. For instance, if you lose your job and need to pay for expenses, you could tap into your rainy day fund until you join the workforce again. You can also use this money if you have an unexpected medical emergency that arises. If you are saving for retirement, you may have the option of contributing a set amount regularly to a 401(k) or other retirement savings plan.

Classification of Budget

A fixed budget may be used by management like managers, chief financial officers and accountants in order to analyse and develop financial controls. It act as a system check tool that blocks overspending and tallies expenditure with revenue being generated from sales. A well-controlled fixed budget also aids in developing cash flow projections.

Performance management can be more meaningful as actual results can be easily compared to flexed results – total variances can then be calculated for each revenue and cost. Fixed costs tend to account for a larger percentage of most people’s budgets, but that doesn’t mean variable costs are any less important. Many variable costs are essential budgeting items, such as food and electricity. Imposed budgeting is a top-down process where executives adhere to a goal that they set for the company.

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As a small business owner and former financial advisor, Daphne has first-hand experience with the challenges individuals face in making smart financial choices. Variable expenses can include essential expenses as well as discretionary spending. For instance, if you get sick, then a doctor visit may be a necessity that you need to cover. On the other hand, a discretionary expense means anything you budget money for or spend money on that you don’t necessarily need. Water, gas and electric bills technically fit under the umbrella of basic living expenses. But these costs can fluctuate from month to month, depending on your usage and the rates your provider charges.

For instance, your utility payments change depending on your usage, so these bills are considered variable expenses. Any unexpected expenses that come up throughout the month—like a surprise medical bill or sudden car repair—are not fixed expenses. Typically, most agencies and companies plan their proposals way ahead.

However, changes in tax deductions, IRS regulations, or other life events can mean a nasty surprise on your tax return. It’s never a good idea to count on define fixed budget unpredictable sources of income. This may be the year your company may not have enough money to give you a raise or as much of a raise as you’d hoped for.

Difference Between Fixed Budget vs Flexible Budget

Thanks to budgeting software, you don’t have to be good at math; you simply have to be able to follow instructions. If you know how to use spreadsheet software, you can make your own ledger. It’s as simple as creating one column for your income, another column for your expenses, and then keeping a running tab on the difference between the two. Following our discussion on budget; you should explore our guide on management accounting, fundamentals of management and strategic management.

An external consultant will not available at the right time and not easily accessible to the organisation as the internal executives. At the same time, and they are lack knowledge of organisation culture and working environment. Nonetheless consultants have the great level influences the senior management. The consultants are import and hired to fill competency gap in the organisation. As Drucker notes, “The executive works with same organisation or most with very few”.

Fixed budget clearly distinction between the businesses needs and wants by forcing the business to remain consistent, it will also ensure that the bills are paid on time. If a company realizes that it will not be able to cover its expenses with future cash flows, it might need to consider borrowing and budget the interest expenses. A surplus budget is a plan with incomes exceeding expenditures during a certain period. In surplus budgets, expenses can be fully covered by incomes, and the residuals can be saved for future use. A static budget keeps constant without adjustments over the entire budgeting term. With flexible budgeting, managers will be able to plan and forecast more accurately.

Your piggy bank will have to starve until you can find financial stability. It’s difficult to predict how much money you’ll need in every category of life; a new job may necessitate a wardrobe change and your clothing budget may not cut it. That’s why it’s important to have a regular check on how you’ve created your budget. It is your budget, after all—just make sure you keep your long-term financial goals in the picture.

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