Actress and BJP MP Kangana Ranaut’s much-talked-about film ‘Emergency’ has finally been released in theaters on January 17. Kangana’s acting in this film is being praised. Despite slow start at the box office, the film has earned Rs 10.45 crore in three days.
Kangana Ranaut’s ‘Emergency’ has had a slow start at the box office. According to Sacnilk, ‘Emergency’ has done a business of only Rs 4.35 crore in the third day of its release and with this, the total earnings of the film in India in three days have now become Rs 10.45 crore. ‘Emergency’ had a collection of Rs 2.35 crore in the country on the opening day. On the second day, it earned Rs 3.6 crore. The budget of this film is Rs 60 crore.
Kangana Ranaut’s film ‘Emergency’ has been surrounded by controversy ever since its trailer was released. Now this film has been banned in Bangladesh. There is a demand to ban this film in Punjab as well. Congress has also raised objections to the story of this film.