Lucknow, 03 January: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath will be on Ayodhya tour on Saturday. Chief Minister Yogi will interact with BJP workers of Milkipur Assembly at Acharya Narendra Dev Agricultural University.
The Chief Minister will review the election preparations by holding a meeting with the Shakti Kendra Convenor, Shakti Kendra In-charge and Shakti Kendra Migrant workers of Milkipur Assembly.
During this, Minister in-charge of Milkipur Assembly Surya Pratap Shahi and Minister of State Girish Chandra Yadav will also be present. The state and regional leaders of the party who have been entrusted with the responsibility of Milkipur Assembly will also be present.
Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath will also discuss and make necessary inquiries on all the points necessary to win the Milkipur Assembly by-election. The district organization of BJP is busy preparing for the meeting of party workers with the Chief Minister.
It is known that due to the Milkipur Assembly by-election, BJP has postponed the organization elections in Ayodhya district. Therefore, the Mandal President will be selected in Ayodhya district only after the Milkipur Assembly by-election is completed. After this the District President will be announced.