Nepal plane crash: Post-mortem falling behind as bodies are mutilated, says hospital head

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Kathmandu, July 25: Post-mortem of all 18 bodies recovered from the plane crash that took place on Wednesday at Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu has been started today.

The post-mortem is taking a lot of time due to the bodies being in a very bad condition. Therefore, it is likely to take two more days to hand over the bodies to the relatives.All 18 bodies of the plane crash have been kept in the forensic department of the Institute of Medical Sciences located in Maharajganj, Kathmandu.

Head of the department Dr Gopal Chaudhary said that a team of 25 doctors has been deployed to start the post-mortem from this morning itself.

Dr Chaudhary said that it will take at least four hours to conduct the post-mortem of one body. He said that during the post-mortem, any marks before death on the teeth or face will be searched. If any such mark is found, then an attempt will be made to identify the bodies on that basis. If no such mark is found on the bodies, then DNA tests will be conducted on such bodies.

Dr Chaudhary said that the smallest details about their dead relatives have been taken from the families of all those killed in the plane crash. Along with this, blood samples of all of them have also been taken. The hospital administration has informed the families of the deceased that the bodies can be handed over only after two days. The reason behind this is that until the post-mortem of all the bodies is not done, the bodies cannot be transferred.

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