Lucknow,July 28″Road to power at the Centre passes through UP.Road to five trillion dollar economy also passes through the most populous state”,Union home minister Amit Shah said here on Sunday,firmly believing that it will achieve the target of becoming one trillion economy state in next five years.
He also believed in it because Prime Minister Narendra Modi has saw this dream and he has seen it with “open eyes” and ” those who dream anything with open eyes always succeed”.
In his first visit to the state after appointment as home minister,Shah was addressing representatives of top industrial houses and others who had come to attend the second ground-breaking ceremony.He digitally launched 250 plus projects worth Rs 65,000 crores on the occasion.The first such ceremony was held a year ago when projects worth over Rs 60,000 crores were launched.
In all,Memorandums of Understanding for investment to the tune of Rs 4.68 lakh crores were signed during the investment submit in 2018.With the launching of second batch of projects,25 per cent of the MoUs have been implemented.
Expressing satisfaction over the development,the home minister said that he had no doubt that all the projects would be launched within the stipulated period and completed on time–within five years.Lauding the state government for taking necessary steps to achieve the goal he said the government has rightly laid stress on infrastructure and power.
The state has achieved tremendous growth in agriculture and other key sectors.So has the country.What is more, the number of tax payers has jumped from 3.8 crores to over six crores.In the ease of doing business and other fields, too, the country has made big strides.In the World Bank ranking it has made a remarkable improvement.
According to Shah,more and more industrialists are showing interest in UP because of improvement in the law and order situation.” I was shocked to see the situation in 2013 when I had first come to the state on a party assignment”, he recalled.
The home minister also recalled reaction of some people after selection of Yogi .”He has no experience.He has not even run a municipal body how can he run a big state like this, some leaders had said.But we had faith in him and the result is for every one to see.Most of the criminals are either in jail or have been killed in encounter”.
Listing his other achievements,he said,in the vision document promise to build 40 hospitals.In two years 17 of them are ready.Fifteen others are in the pipeline.Many medical colleges have also opened during the period.
He told the industrialists present that the Centre would not leave nothing to chance and provide all necessary assistance to the state to grow socially and economically.They were visibly happy to hear the assurance.
Addressing the gathering earlier state chief minister Yogi Adityanath had said he was happy to announce that the Uttar Pradesh had become the biggest state exporter in the country.There has been tremendous rise in its contribution to the country’s export.
It has identified sixteen focus areas and doing everything to develop them.It may add three more sectors to the list.The projects launched today will create three lakh additional job opportunities.All these projects will help the state achieve the target of becoming one trillion dollar economy.
Governor Ram Naik who retires on Monday claimed that the law and order situation is much better in the state now and that is why more and more industrialists are coming to the state.
Before them,representatives of some top business houses had spoken. Addressing the meeting chairman of the Tata Sons N.Chandrasekaran said the Tata group has already expanded its business in the state.There will be further expansion of TCS and other companies.
Torrent group has promised to invest additional Rs 6000 crores.So has Pepsico .Heads of Adani and some other groups were also present on the occasion.