Lucknow, 04 January: The Uttar Pradesh Special Task Force (UP STF) has arrested an accused from Meerut on Saturday. The accused is a member of a gang that cheats in the name of getting people recruited in the Indian Army.
The STF Additional Superintendent of Police Brijesh Kumar Singh said that a joint team of STF and Army Intelligence Team has arrested Rahul Kumar, resident of village Hewa in Baghpat district from Meerut.
During interrogation, the accused told that he, along with his partner Raju Patel of Bihar and Somveer, a resident of Haryana, takes huge amounts of money from people by influencing them in the name of getting them recruited in the Indian Army. In return, he gets fifty thousand rupees.
Accused further told that in the year 2018, he has also gone to jail along with his partner Somveer etc. in the case of cheating in the Railway Group D examination. After being released from jail, Somveer had asked him to provide boys for getting them recruited in the Army and made him talk to Raju Patel. In return, Raju had asked him to give him Rs. 50,000 each. On this, he along with his associates got Raju in touch with some people. Raju gave it to Somveer. Through him, he got it through Sumit. Sumit gave him each set and asked him to call the selected people and give it to them. This is what happened here and he was arrested.