Tallest national flag temporarily removed in Hyderabad

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Hyderabad, 12 July: Due to strong winds on Tuesday, officials in Hyderabad temporarily removed the national flag from the tallest flag pole in the middle of the city.

The flag was taken down by the authorities to prevent any damage because the Meteorological (MeT) department had predicted heavy windy winds.

The national flag has been temporarily lowered, according to Arvind Kumar, special chief secretary for urban development. He claimed that given the height and the extremely high wind velocity, the flag was likely to sustain damage. When the wind speed drops, he added, the flag will be raised.

The MeT office has issued a 12-hour prediction for the city that includes moderate rainfall and severe gusty winds.

The enormous flag is 108 by 72 feet. The flag, which was raised in 2016, towers 88 meters above Hussain Sagar Lake at Sanjeevaiah Park. At the time, it fell two feet short of being the tallest flag in the nation.

The flag, which costs over Rs 3 crore and weighs more than 65 kg, was purchased by the government. Specially obtained from Kolkata, the steel pipes were used to build the flag post.

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