Uttar Pradesh revenue collection goes up in the month of July 2024: Suresh Khanna

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Lucknow, August 06: Uttar Pradesh Finance Minister Suresh Kumar Khanna said on Tuesday that in the main tax-non-tax revenue items of the state, a total revenue of Rs 17304.60 crores was received in July of the financial year 2024-25, whereas in July of the financial year 2023-24, revenue of Rs 15418.34 crores was received. Thus, in comparison to July of last year, Rs 1886.26 crore more revenue has been received in July of this year.

He informed that in the month of July 2024, Rs 9448.83 crores has been received under GST and VAT, which is 70.4 percent of the target of revenue collection in the month of July. Under GST and VAT, there has been an increase of Rs 663.29 crore in July this year as compared to last year.

He informed that under GST, a total revenue of Rs 6804.46 crore was received in July, 2024, whereas last year in the month of July, 2023, the receipt was Rs 6107.25 crore. Under VAT, a revenue of Rs 2644.37 crore was received in July, 2024, whereas last year in July, 2023, the receipt was Rs 2678.29 crore. The

Finance Minister informed that under Excise, a total revenue of Rs 3952.53 crore was received in July, 2024, which is 84.1 percent of the target set in July 2024. Whereas in this item, the receipt in July, 2023 was Rs 3423.98 crore last year. Similarly, in the excise item, Rs 528.55 crore more has been received in July this year as compared to last year. Under Stamp and Registration, the revenue receipt in July 2024 is Rs 2762.50 crore, which is 86.3 percent of the target set in July 2024. Whereas last year in July 2023, the receipt was Rs 2225.00 crore.

Similarly, in the stamp and registration item, Rs 537.50 crore more has been received in July this year as compared to last year.

He informed that under transportation, the revenue receipt in the month of July, 2024 is Rs 902.55 crore, which is 92.2 percent of the target set in July 2024. Whereas last year in July 2023, the receipt in this item was Rs 775.98 crore. Thus, in the transportation item, Rs 126.57 crore more was received in July this year as compared to last year. He informed that under the main item of non-tax revenue receipt, geology and mining, the receipt in July, 2024 is Rs 238.19 crore which is 78.7 percent of the target set for revenue receipt under this item. Whereas last year in July, 2023, the receipt under this item was Rs 207.84 crore.

Minister Suresh Kumar Khanna informed that in the financial year 2024-25, till July, revenue of Rs 68477.31 crore has been received under tax revenue, which is 76.4 percent of the target set for revenue receipt till July. He informed that in the financial year 2024-25, till July, Rs 2977.26 crore was received under non-tax revenue receipt, which is 40.3 percent of the target set for revenue receipt till this period.

He informed that in the current financial year, till July 2024, revenue of Rs 37780.04 crore has been received under GST and VAT, which is 71.8 percent of the target set till this period. In which the receipt under GST is Rs 28462.31 crore and under VAT is Rs 9317.73 crore. Similarly, in the current financial year till July, Rs 15737.11 crore has been received in the excise item, which is 83.7 percent of the set target. Rs 10177.65 crore has been received in stamp and registration, which is 84.4 percent of the set target.

He said that revenue of Rs 3870.76 crore has been received in the transport item till July, which is 96.9 percent of the set target for this period.

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